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Recent Growth of Infrared Popularity

We know that infrared saunas provide tremendous health benefits. As more consumers are educated, they have become increasingly popular and more often a topic of conversation. A friend of mine first had one in his home over 20 years ago along with a hot tub. He informed me at that time that his guests had very quizzical looks when seeing these in his home.

However, today, when anyone visits our home, one of their first comments is regarding the Clearlight corner sauna we have in the living room. Most people are somewhat familiar with what a sauna is and how it works. Recently, a doctor friend visited and immediately commented that he had just purchased one the prior month (with some help from this review website, of course, as he finally begrudgingly admitted).




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Why Detoxification with Infrared Saunas is Important

Do we really need to think about detoxification and are we really exposed to that many toxins?  And of greater interest, can infrared saunas help with this removal of toxins.

Over the past century, medicine and technology have advanced in remarkable ways providing us with many comforts and products.  However this has been accompanied by an ever increasing amount of new designer compounds and toxic materials.

While this has been an issue for an even longer period of time, it is the vast amount of chemicals and the concentrations that were not present centuries ago.  The environment, water, air and foods are all now saturated with substances that can cause minor and major damage to our bodies.  They also just plain  can ruin our day to day energy and effectiveness.

During the past 4 decades, over 4 million chemical compounds have been reported.  Thousands of them are intentionally added to our foods and nearly a thousand to our water supplies.  We netnion just one of those later in this article.  It is estimated that over 10,000 chemical created compounds become part of our foods during the full processing cycle.

Add to this the medicines that remain in our bodies long after we have taken them, radiation and all other forms of toxic bombardment on our bodies.  So is there a real problem, is it something we need to address and can we do anything about it?

Dy Hyman, well known for his studies and books on detox, provides a few basic straight forward reasons that removal of foreign substances is important:

5 Reasons You Need to Detox

Millions of us, over half the population, suffer from FLC Syndrome. That’s when you Feel Like Crap. Sometimes it’s annoying little symptoms such as achy joints or muscles, brain fog, fatigue, headaches, allergies or gas, or more serious problems such as autoimmune diseases, migraines, asthma, acne, irritable bowel, reflux, arthritis or worse.

You wake up feeling less than vital, vibrant, alive, joyful and full of energy.

2. You can’t lose weight and keep it off (you want to fit into your jeans).

The scientific establishment has convinced us that losing weight is just a matter of calories in/calories out, that it’s about energy balance, about eating less and exercising more. How’s that working out for you? Probably not so well! Problem is, the scientific establishment is different from the established science. 5 Reasons You Need to Detox and 5 Ways to Detox, Lose Weight & Feel Great - Dr. Mark Hyman


As Dr. Hyman has correctly pointed out, what we are often told by the scientific community does not equate to the actual science.  Toxins are prevalent everywhere, and Dr. Hyman has built an entire career around the topic of detoxification. Need some more evidence?

If you have seen the movie Erin Brockovich (which was based on a true story), you know she crusaded to stop  a terrible carcinogen called chromium-6 from being allowed to pollute a local water supply.  Numerous residents were sick or had died as a result of the chromium.  That was almost 3 decades ago.

We would think that of all the thousands of contaminants in our environment, at least that one would have been addressed to protect us.  Unfortunately, the following article from 3 days ago states differently:

'Erin Brockovich' Carcinogen in Tap Water of More than 200 Million Americans | EWG

In the film "Erin Brockovich," the environmental crusader confronts the lawyer of a power company that polluted the tap water of Hinkley, Calif., with a carcinogenic chemical called chromium-6.

But almost 25 years after that real-life confrontation,[1] the conflict over chromium-6 is not over. A new EWG analysis of federal data from nationwide drinking water tests shows that the compound contaminates water supplies for more than 200 million Americans in all 50 states.

Yet federal regulations are stalled by a chemical industry challenge that could mean no national regulation of a chemical state scientists in California and elsewhere say causes cancer when ingested at even extraordinarily low levels. 'Erin Brockovich' Carcinogen in Tap Water of More than 200 Million Americans | EWG


We can see that contaminants enter our bodies every day on a regular basis.  But is this a serious problem.  Other than the chromium-6 mentioned above, are other substances dangerous.  And is it all that prevalent?  Does the presence of these substances cause any real damage?

The following source, The Townsend Letter, strongly suggests they do cause damage and are widespread.  This was based on numerous scientific examples and numerous cases of detoxification protocols, many including use of a sauna.  The following (I have chosen to make two phrases bold) are a few carefully selected excerpts from this Letter which itself is over 7000 words in length:

Sauna/Hyperthermia in Detoxification (Nov 2008) Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients

In the United States, there appears to be a concentration of MS North of the 37th parallel latitude, which coincides with geographic areas relying heavily upon petroleum products.

An extensive literature search coupled with clinical observations within the past five years, indicates a strong correlation between the appearance of inflammatory disease of the central nervous system and exposure to organic solvents. It has long been established that solvents absorbed in large quantities, in part, accumulate in the central nervous system.

Documentation also indicates that chemicals can induce autoimmunity. Research lends further support to the concept that avoiding further toxic exposure, detoxification, and modulating the immune system, in effect, modulates the course of MS.

The large database that is being collected by many physicians over the last few years has clearly indicated that xenobiotics can be safely removed using detoxification programs that include the thermal chamber. From the above review of sauna use, clearly when one considers the millions of times that the sauna has been used without injury that with the use of common sense and being aware of one's own personal reactions, the sauna is a safe method for use in detoxification programs.  Sauna/Hyperthermia in Detoxification (Nov 2008) Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients


Some additional studies have focused on the pervasiveness of chemicals and how fast we can consume them.  But also how fast we can reduce the new exposure.  However, it is the acquiring of these foreign substances overs years and decades that causes the real problems.  Remnants of chemicals and prescription drugs remain in the body, often stored in little pockets in fat cells in the liver and throughout the body.

And this is where Infrared Saunas are brilliant.  The healing heat penetrates deep into the tissues, shaking the toxins off of the fat cells.  They are then removed by elimination and sweating.  It is in this benefit of the detoxification process that the infrared sauna is supreme in its effects.

We encourage everyone to begin eating organic food.  In addition to the increase in nutritional value, it reduces the toxic burden on your body.  This reduces the burden on the liver and other elimination systems.  And it will allow methods of true removal of toxins such as infrared heat therapy to be most effective.


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Saunas Promote Relaxation and Proper Adrenal Function

Want to Learn to be Relaxed?

We live in a world that is in constant motion and activity - the opposite of relaxation.  Can you relate?  The real problem with this is that the body often does not shut down this constant state of alertness.

The state of being always in alert mode is known as sympathetic.  This is commonly known as the fight or flight syndrome.  The body and mind are always thinking a tiger is chasing you and you need to remain vigilant at all times.

Over time, staying in this highly alert mode not only wears the body down, but it can drain the adrenals.  Adrenalin is used for what should be normal easy going tasks.  Over time cortisol levels can be extremely elevated as a result.

Can infrared saunas offer any help?  Yes.  Firstly, they can help by simply relaxing the body.

This simple process occurs as the warm infrared waves  penetrate the body and begin warming the muscles.  Relaxation is the obvious result.  This is helpful for not only athletes but also for those who have just completed simple exercise.  The penetrating infrared relaxes at a deep tissue level.

As the following article from points out, it only requires a short amount of time for this process to start.  At least 10 minutes is required but 10-20 minutes is an adequate time to benefit:

10 Reasons Sweating Benefits You

Short periods of time, usually 15 minutes, in heat (steam room, bath, sauna) relax the body, turning on the parasympathetic nervous system. This relaxation settles the body down and reduces cortisol levels. Cortisol is a stress hormone that promotes belly fat if not kept in check. HIIT and relaxation usually don't happen on their own. Take time to build them into your schedule and reap the benefits in sweat. 10 Reasons Sweating Benefits You

We can see that simple relaxation is prompted by heath therapy.  But infrared saunas can promote relaxation at a much deeper level than this simple muscle warming.  They can stimulate the mind's quiet mode.

This is particularly helpful for those of us whose minds are constantly thinking and analyzing. This is what will allow us to move out of that fight or flight sympathetic mode and into the beneficial parasympathetic state.  This is caused by numerous factors as the following points out:


The answer is it is due to a combination of factors about the sauna that combine very powerfully.  Alone, none would be so potent, but together they are awesome.  The factors are:

1. Sweating.  It occur during exercise, a sympathetic activity.  However, sweating itself tends to be parasympathetic, meaning it requires activation of parasympathetic nerves for it to take place.

2. Moving blood from the center to the periphery of the body.  The sympathetic nervous system moves and keeps the blood congested in the internal organs.  The sauna powerfully moves blood to the periphery of the body, so that the body can release some heat at the skin.  This is a parasympathetic effect.

10. Praying, meditating or listening to quiet music has a parasympathetic effect.  While this is not a feature of the sauna itself, many people pray, meditate or listen to quiet music in the sauna...,%20PARSYMPATH.htm


As just mentioned, one of the primary ways the body is moved to this calm state is due to blood flow.  Similar to exercise, the increased heat will begin moving blood from the center of the body to the outside - the skin.  Blood is also moved to the lungs.

Both of these are partially a result of the body's attempt to cool itself.  After 10  minutes or so in the heat, the body can no longer cool itself from the increased air temperature.  The core body temperature then begins to rise 1-3 degrees.

It then begins the further oxygenation of the blood, forcing it to the outer areas of the body.  Heart rate increases and you may actually feel a little sluggish or tired at this stage of the heat therapy session.

Heat Therapy and the Truth About How It Helps With Adrenal Fatigue

Strengthening of the parasympathetic nervous system also relieves blood stagnation, chronic sympathetic stimulation due to stress, forces more blood into the internal organs as part of the fight or flight response.

When blood stagnates in these systems, internal metabolites build up, impaired circulation is the norm as well as the new tissue of the organs become compromised. Phase 1 sauna is therefore particularly suitable for those with advanced AFS.

Those in advanced stages of AFS may find this phase of heat therapy most revitalizing. Because most sufferers of advanced AFS (stage 3 and beyond) are in a state of sympathetic dominance, the body tends to be flooded in a sea of epinephrine and norepinephrine. The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is invariably imbalanced as AFS progresses.

The resting heart rate is usually above 80 beats per minute (normal is 72-76). In addition, many people are presented with unpleasant symptoms such as postural hypotension, dizziness, heart palpitation with slight exposure to stress that can be physical or emotional; a sense of anxiety is also common.

Phase 1 of sauna therapy often leads to a sense of calm and tranquility, provided that the duration is acceptable to the body. Heat Therapy and the Truth About How It Helps With Adrenal Fatigue


Infrared saunas have many benefits that include a temporary relaxation of the muscles and body.  But the long term benefit of remaining in a calmer state is one of the best effects it will have for you.

You you may feel a strong relaxation during the first 10-15 minutes of a session.  After this point, you will feel more invigorated and perhaps tired as stated.  It may seem counter-intuitive, however this is actually training the body to remember being in the parasympathetic state.  Over time you will actually be training yourself and your mind to remain in this calm state.  Nice, huh?


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Lyme Disease Sufferers Benefit From Infrared Sauna Use

Can Infrared saunas help in the treatment of Lyme disease?

Saunas are not technically medical devices and therefore cannot be said to cure anything.  We have stated previously hat infrared sauna do not cure anything- medication and surgeries perform that function.

However they are tremendous at healing from many ailments.  The difference is that healing uses the body's own functions to repair itself.  This is a primary benefit of heat.

One of these ailments is Lyme disease.  This is a serious infection that can strongly affect someones life , even debilitating them. Disabled World covers many topics including these thoughts on this illness:

Infrared Saunas: Can They Relieve Symptoms of Lyme Disease - Disabled World

Quote: "Lyme disease patients who were previously unable to engage in everyday activities such as taking a walk reported improvement after regular infrared sauna sessions." Main Document

And now, people who are afflicted with Lyme disease are beginning to understand how their traditional treatment regimens can be enhanced by using infrared saunas on a regular basis. It makes sense, if you stop and think about it.

Because the warmth of an infrared sauna has a soothing effect on joint and muscle pain, infrared sauna treatments can provide an effective supplement to traditional Lyme disease treatment. In fact, Lyme disease patients who were previously unable to engage in everyday activities such as taking a walk reported improvement after regular infrared sauna sessions.

These reports indicate that for at least some Lyme disease patients, infrared saunas are able to help alleviate some of the troublesome symptoms of this condition, including muscle spasms, constant chills, an overwhelming feeling of fatigue and the sensation of being in a mental fog.

When coupled with the proper pharmacological treatments (IV or oral antibiotics and so forth), the deep, penetrating heat of infrared saunas makes the body be a far less hospitable environment for the spirochetes. Infrared Saunas: Can They Relieve Symptoms of Lyme Disease - Disabled World


We have seen that heat can greatly benefit those with this condition.  The reason is partly due these people having an even greater toxin burden than they normally would have.

Secondly, when recovering from this aliment, the kidneys and liver can become easily overburdened.  Sweating allows a portion of the toxins to be released through the skin via sweat.  This takes a portion of the burden off the rest of the body's elimination systems.

Bryan Rosner's exhaustive book on this illness offers some great insight on the benefits of heat:

Saunas and Lyme Disease - Ozone, FIR, Steam, Dry Heat

Unlike most healthy people, Lyme Disease patients have burdened livers and kidneys due to the stress incurred by the inflammation and toxic burden created by a chronic infection.

As a result, Lyme Disease patients often have very weak livers and kidneys.  Because the liver and kidneys are the primary detoxification organs of the body, detoxification is often stagnant.  This can lead to overwhelming symptoms of poisoning by the Lyme Disease neurotoxin.

Sauna therapy is one way to integrate sweating into a modern lifestyle.  People have been using saunas and sweat therapy to detoxify for thousands of years.  In comparison to other methods of skin detoxification, sauna therapy is the most affordable, effective, and established method.

By increasing both circulation and lipid (fat) metabolism, the heat generated by a sauna causes the release into general circulation of a wide range of toxins stored in fatty body tissue.  This process has been well documented in medical studies.  Sauna therapy is so effective that the U.S. government recommends it for detoxification of dozens of poisons.

The vast surface area of the skin allows quick, efficient detoxification without placing a burden on other detoxification organs. Saunas and Lyme Disease - Ozone, FIR, Steam, Dry Heat


However caution need to be taken when using the sauna for those with this condition.

When heat is used, the dead spirochetes release a large amount of toxins.  For this reason, sufferers should begin infrared therapy at a much slower pace than normal users.  Begin with 10-15 minutes sessions at most.  And slowly build up the quantity of sessions as well.

This is not a time to begin daily sessions for 30 minutes each immediately.  Be slow and cautions for reasons the following post points out:




Detoxification is just as equally important in healing from Lyme Disease as an effective treatment protocol is.

Those treating their Lyme Disease know that toxins released from dead spirochetes flood their bodies once they [the spirochetes] are killed.

Though this debilitating experience is a great indication of an effective treatment protocol, the process itself occurs many times throughout treatment.

As a result, toxins build up in the body, and the process of removing them becomes too much for passive or non-aggressive detox methods.  Infrared saunas compensate or pick up the slack by helping to bring the over all toxin load down in an incredibly efficient manner.  Infrared Sauna And Lyme Disease.


People who have contracted this often debilitating illness welcome any verifiable helpful solution.  Recent studies and medical books have explored the idea of infrared sauna offering benefits for suffers of this illness.

Fortunately, the results are positive.  When used correctly, this healing heat therapy can greatly benefit the users.


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Dry Brushing Improves the Health Benefits of Infrared Sauna

While an infrared sauna on its own provides tremendous health benefits, dry brushing can increase these effects.  This is basically is a way to wake up the skin and begin increased circulation of the blood.  It is a process of using an all natural bristle brush to stimulate the skin, turning it a slight pink if performed correctly.

As we know, circulation and the skin are two of the ways a sauna can remove toxins from the body.

However, another toxin removal system in the body is the lymphatic system.  The lymphatic system does not have a pump as the blood circulatory system does.  So it needs something to push or force the lymphatic fluid to move throughout the body.  Here is one of the easiest and best methods to accomplish this.

In the following article Dr. Edward F. Group describes how this can be combined with sauna use:



6 Amazing Health Benefits of Dry Skin Brushing | Wake Up World

By Dr. Edward F. Group

Guest Writer for Wake Up World


Blood flow increases to the skin following dry brushing, and the normal process of releasing toxins through perspiration is improved. Proper exercise, spicy foods, and breathing techniques also help promote normal circulation.

One of the most important benefits of skin brushing is the supposed effect it has on the lymphatic system. This is of profound significance to the immune system. White blood cells, or lymphocytes, are actually named after this major body system. Lymph circulates to our cells through channels independent of our circulatory system.

A huge benefit of skin brushing is a drastic improvement in the appearance of the skin itself! Eliminating dead skin and unclogging pores results in a very noticeable improvement. For people who exercise or sit in Far Infrared Saunas, this is an excellent follow up to detoxification by sweating.

The appearance of the skin also improves as new cells form more quickly, and the skin takes on a smooth luster that is noticeably brighter than the dull appearance of old, dry, and often wrinkled skin. 6 Amazing Health Benefits of Dry Skin Brushing | Wake Up World

While the previous post focused more on the medical aspects of brushing, the following article provides more information on the actual steps of the process.  We have always liked and respected the website and this is another reason why.

Clear, straight to the point information to help others learn about this very beneficial health practice.  The author has gone through an incredible transformation of her own skin.  She explains how this is part of her daily regimen:

The Benefits of Dry Brushing - Deliciously Organic

Most of us know our skin is our largest organ. Did you know our skin aids in detoxing our bodies? The pores in our skin benefit from “exercise” to better rid toxins from the body. Cardio-vascular exercise, sunshine, dry saunas, and keeping toxic chemicals off our skin all help this process.

Dry-brushing may also help our skin detoxify and keep us looking our best. While I can’t find any hard-core studies to support this assertion, my nutritionist shared this detox method with me and well, she helped me heal from Hashimoto’s disease (something medical doctors told me wasn’t possible), so I’m going to trust her! Also, it can’t hurt, right?

How do you Dry Brush?

  1. Once a day, preferably before bed or before a shower or time in a dry sauna.
  2. Brush, starting at the feet, and work up towards the heart using light, short strokes (always brushing towards the heart). Then work from the arms towards your chest. Don’t forget your palms and soles. The skin should be stimulated, not red or irritated.
  3. Brushing the entire body should take from 45 seconds to 2 minutes.
  4. It’s best not moisturize afterwards so the pores can breathe and rid themselves of toxins.

The Benefits of Dry Brushing - Deliciously Organic


It is clear this is a practice that is growing in popularity.  Especially in all natural and organic groups.  The following recent article in Glamour magazine points out that it has grown beyond the natural health community and has gone mainstream.

Here's Why You Should Be Dry-Brushing Your Legs (and Butt) | Glamour

“Brushing the skin without water is linked to the detox process,” says Cilmi, “because it helps stimulate the lymphatic drainage process.” Lymph being our cellular-waste system that doesn’t have a heart to pump its bloat-causing sludge up and out.

Cilmi says. “It’s an underrated, overlooked natural remedy for gorgeous gams.” Here’s how to get them:

1. Buy a firm, natural-bristle brush.

2. Take about three minutes to dry-brush your whole body.

3. Apply enough pressure to stimulate circulation, but not so much that it hurts.

4. Important tip: Brush upward (always toward the heart).

Do so in small and quick or circular motions until the skin appears pinkish red. Here's Why You Should Be Dry-Brushing Your Legs (and Butt) | Glamour


As you can see, this is an easy to learn, simply practice that requires little time.  But the rewards can be very noticeable.

While dry brushing is not necessary to obtain dramatic results from infrared saunas, it does improve these results.  Additionally is adds the much needed lymphatic fluid movement.  If you do not like the process, rebounding on a small personal trampoline for a few minutes accomplishes the same lymphatic movement.  This second option, however, does not directly affect the skin.  But it is perhaps the best method to improve the lymph system.

So give this a try.  A brush is inexpensive and easy to use.  Learn how to best amplify the health benefits of an infrared sauna in your life.  Enjoy!



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Sauna Therapy - How To Tips for the Most Benefit


Tips For the Best Health Benefits

One of the primary health reasons for using a sauna and possibly the most beneficial is that of detoxification.  An infrared detox can result in elimination of heavy metals, chemicals and many other toxins which are detrimental to your health.  While any time in a sauna can result in some amount of benefits, following some guidelines can safely increase the benefits significantly.

Infrared saunas typically result in a much better detox than traditional steam.  This is primarily due to the way they heat the body, the air, and also your skin temperature.  We want to use this to our advantage. Our Sauna Reviews page highlights the brands that provide the best proven detoxification benefits.

Here are some ways to maximize your individual benefits from your infrared sessions.  Some can be applied before, during and after your time in the sauna.

Pre-Session Protocol for Optimal Benefits

A proper protocol for detox starts with something that is obvious. Hydrate.  Drink a glass of water before beginning the sauna session.  The higher the temperature will be, the more water should be consumed before, during and after the heath therapy.

You should drink a full 16-20 ounce glass of water prior to your session.  You could also drink a non-sugary sports drink or better yet coconut water.  Coconut water has the added advantage of being loaded with electrolytes and all the nutrients needed for your body to assimilate the fluid completely and quickly.

Avoid sugary drinks, sodas, coffee or fruit juices with added sugar.  Your body will want to sweat out toxic matter from itself and will need a lot of fluid to perform this task well.

How important is this?  The Holistic Healing Centre, located just outside Sydney Australia has a good brochure describing how to best use their saunas. And the largest section has to do with hydration:

Stay Hydrated! Most people do not drink enough water to begin with and now that you are using a far infrared sauna and sweating, it is even more important to stay properly hydrated. A good rule of thumb is to drink your body weight in ml for every half an hour of your waking day, for example if you are 60kg, you will drink 60ml every half an hour from the time you wake up until the time you close your eyes at night.

When exercising or using our sauna you will need to increase this water. It is important to drink water during the hour before you enter the sauna. This will also aid in the detoxifying process. A bottle of Alkalife spring water will be included.

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Showering Before and After using a Sauna

Although not necessary, some users find showering prior to using their sauna results in a faster and heavier sweat and a more invigorating experience. It can also begin the stimulation of your body's circulation.

This shower will also remove dirt, dry skin, lotion or any other residue which could hinder proper sweating.  As well, you could also dry brush your skin.  This brushing will increase circulation and has additional benefits.  It is not necessary but it does add some benefit and many think it feels great.

Wear as Little Clothing as Possible

Ideally, no clothing at all allows the best experience, especially in an infrared sauna.  This is possible if it is in your home.  The Infrared is hindered by clothing so if any area is injured or needs special attention, it needs to have direct contact with the infrared light waves.

If you are wearing clothing, wear as little as possible of loose fitting clothing that is breathable.  Cotton shorts and top would be the better choice.  Although rolling up the sleeves, legs and waist to expose as much skin to the infrared as possible is what is needed.

First Sauna Session Length

Beginners should start with 10-15 minute sessions.  Slowly build up to 25-30 minutes.  But also listen to your body.  If you begin to feel weak, tired or too hot, open the door or simply step out of the cabin.  When beginning you should definitely try to not overdo any session.

Many beginners that have been more sedentary may also notice they may not begin to sweat until being in the cabin for 20-30 minutes.  This can be normal.  Your body will learn to begin sweating sooner as your progress.

Infrared saunas are best experienced at lower temperatures of 110-125 degrees F.  This may seem cool for you if you have been used to the traditional steam variety where temps can reach 180-200 degrees F.  But in fact you will receive more benefits when the temps are kept lower.

 Fiber for Mobilized Toxin Removal

Once the toxins are released and mobilized in the body, those that are not secreted in the sweat are released into the digestive system.  Without proper fiber in the intestines, a portion of these toxins will be reabsorbed back into the body, being again deposited into fat cells.

While eating a heavy meal prior to entering the sauna is not recommended, having fiber in the form of a smoothie, green powder, fruits or vegetables more than an hour before or after your time in the sauna use can be beneficial in aiding the removal of these toxins.

After the Sauna

After your session, take a warm shower to wash off the toxins that are now on the outside of your skin. Many find that a cool shower rinse after a warm shower invigorates them and their skin.  So enjoy a good shower followed by a cool rinse.  This will also close up the pores.

When showering, avoid chemical laden soaps and heavy lotions.  Your pores are open wide immediately after a sauna and you want to avoid clogging them.

Plan a little time to relax as a session can often leave you feeling a little drained for a few minutes.

Some users find the session will relax them, preparing them for a good nights sleep and they enjoy the sauna in the evening.  Others are invigorated by the session and like to enjoy the renewed energy hours before bed.  You will learn quickly what time of day you enjoy the best.

Hydrate again.  Have another 8-16 ounce glass of water to replenish what has been lost during your heat therapy.

For an in-depth look at all of the remarkable health benefits of saunas see our benefits page.

Consult Your Physician

Always consult your physician prior to beginning use of any healing device.  This toxin removal can also begin removing medications you have stored up in your body.  Please see our recommendation on contraindications.  Avoid the sauna entirely if you are pregnant as the heat and release of toxins are not good for the unborn.


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